

community egg hunt

thanks to everyone who came out to our 5th annual community egg hunt! what a fun day! it was grey and chilly, but that did not stop the littles from having fun looking for colorful eggs. held in the beautiful garden behind the cobb house across the street from arrow, it was fun to watch the children navigate the tiny paths and find little treasures: blueberries and strawberries, shells and acorns filled their eggs. even the tiniest of arrow friends was able to find something special, and we were extra happy to see some of our older arrow friends return for this special day...thanks, everyone!



spring garden party

what a fun spring party we had! we loved seeing the little ones of this community come together! thank you to all those who came, as we know it was a busy spring day in athens! and thank you to those who helped with the day's activities: tin cup for the fiddle tunes and to rebecca wood, sarah lowing, rinne allen, ike & jane, and of course rachel, the arrow helpers, and our volunteers who pulled the details together!


spring garden workday

We had another great garden workday last week...sunshine and sunny helpers...thanks to everyone who spent their Saturday morning with us- we know how busy everyone is so we really, really appreciate your help...so do the little ones!

We were able to freshen up our mulch and put in some fresh herbs, flowers, and veggies in the front bed- thanks, lauren stubbs, for heading that up! and also to wilson's parents and tyler's parents and grandmother for their help! And, thank you to our friends at 3 porch farm for donating plants to us, and to the parents who dropped some off too!

and kevin yates- from hungry gnome gardenscapes, and dad to jonah & roscoe- cleared out the bed near the seedling classroom and installed 5 donated thornless blackberries- thanks, kevin!

And, don young, aka sophia's dad, built us a little playhouse made from recycled pallets....don, thank you! We love it!

And, lastly, we refilled our sandbox with donated sand and painted the whole length of concrete wall with a fresh coat of paint...perfect for drawing!

The arrow children spent alot of time outside this week enjoying the fresh air, new picnic tables, and their beautified garden space...

Enjoy Spring, everyone!

our garden

getting ready for our work day...

plants from full moon:

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turning wire from a pallet into a woven tunnel:

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our new sandbox:

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jean & little sophia stopped by:

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readying the music wall ingredients:

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inside the "tunnel":

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the music wall:

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all clean & tidy, ready for play!

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and now, onto the spring party...a planting station:

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our lovely art ed student, rachel:

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thanks to canopy for bringing over some sling swings:

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thanks to everyone who helped with the party:

the uga ied student volunteers, marti's at midday, daily groceries, big city bread, full moon coop,rwood studio, treehouse, the arrow handwork group, rachel barnes, and many, many others! thank you!

playsilk dyeing workshop !

in late may, rene shoemaker led a dyeing workshop at arrow.

we dyed playsilks for our little ones, but in the process we learned about immersion dyeing and some of us played around with some tie dyeing too. we had lots of fun, and will do this again sometime !

the undyed silks drying on the line:

the dyed silks hanging in the garden:

more images from the day: