our seedling class often takes daily trips to the sweet little garden belonging to the T.R.R. Cobb House to play, they like to call it the "secret garden". It's such a treat to have such a historic treasure in our neighborhood and our little class has observed and talked a lot about the Cobb House while playing in its garden, often referring to it as the "pink house". They have found fig and pomegranate trees in its side garden, friendly faces waving from inside, & "swirly"glass in its windows. a recent window repair has even prompted a lot of curiousity about what the inside of the house looks like, so we reached out to their Program Director, Terrell Austin, to see if our Seedling Class could have an abbreviated tour of the house and to get a sneek peek at the window repair from the inside of the house. So on a recent Monday, we walked over for the tour......
a visit to thailand...
prince avenue art crawl
we were so excited to participate in this year's prince avenue art crawl! our seedling class worked diligently for weeks to create the pieces for an amazing underwater scene complete with a school of jellyfish! we even used a fan to create movement....it was magical.
seedlings early winter
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seedlings, in december
our little ones in the seedling class are really sweet. we are proud of this group and their leader, keara, has done a wonderful job, as has rachel, with coming up with activities that are creative, engaging, and imaginative. before the holidays, the group made presents for their families (felted soap for papa and scented bath salts for mamas), and then they played...dancing, riding on a "train" and drawing.
our blog has been broken for a few months, but now, at long last, it is fixed and we can share what we have been up to lately...!
firstly, our seedlings class has been magical.
the classroom looks so inviting. the little ones' days are filled with exploration, movement, and color, under the guidance of class leaders keara & hope.