fun with food

our friend lily kaplan has begun a summer series of fun with food workshops for the little ones.

yesterday was our first one:

making ice cream!

coffee can

ice cream

- 1lb coffee can

- 2-3lb coffee cans*

*(the cans need to be metal for the cold factor, but plastic lids are great! i was able to find kroger brand still does metal! everyone else has gone plastic...)

- 1 pint half and half

- 1/3 c sugar

- vanilla bean

- rock salt

- ice

- duct tape

- any other toppings or fun might be fun to crush up ginger snaps or cookies or add fresh fruit!

- pour cream and sugar into smaller can, seal, and duct tape...

- place in the larger metal can, fill with ice and rock salt alternatively, seal, and duct tape...

- kick or roll the can for 10 minutes!

- open the larger can and pour out water

- open the smaller can and scrape ice cream off of sides and give a good stir. now is a good time to add any flavors like vanilla bean, fruit, or crushed cookies...

- replace lid on smaller and seal again with duct tape. place inside large can, add more ice and salt, and reseal with lid and duct tape.

- roll another 10 minutes...

- unwrap everything and enjoy!